
When they Act swiftly,
you’re on top
of the market.

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Reporting is a lot easier. Zero data loss.

  • One-app for all field reporting needs

    Attendance, sales, feedback, store audits, VM – collect any data point, the way you want it.

  • Easy data download. No loss

    Easy exports and easy online view. Easy for them and you.

Complete goal clarity with flexible KPIs.

Complete goal
Complete goal
  • Where they are and where they ought to be

    KPIs around learning, around reporting, around anything.

  • Nudges

    Reminders to keep them moving on, pushing progress.

  • Action recommendations

    Manager set action learning or action recommendation to better KPIs.

Tasks, served hot on a calendar.

  • Track tasks and their status

    Tasks on learning, reporting, meetings. All tracked on a dashboard.

  • Tasks on a calendar

    Keep track of all tasks on a calendar. Nothing goes missed.

Dashboards for data driven actions.

  • Got data? Create a dashboard

    Create dashboards with Bsharp data or your own. Filters, widget and all.

  • Data visibility

    Viewing permission to those who need it. You decide.

Want to enable your frontline for better performance?

Speak to an expert