Field visits are great. Especially, when the audits require one of your audits/you to audit each of your stores, paper and pen in hand. Also, you need a smartphone to capture images of the store.

You then need a collator (machine/person). Let’s call this collator, Sam.

Sam then takes the images and your paper-data. Collates the lot. And give you data that you can analyse.

Time to get analytics ready data – Not defined

Data integrity – Not defined

Possibility of data loss – Extremely high

Isn’t that fun?

No. It isn’t. You should be turning into the Hulk just thinking about this. If you aren’t..Yoga?

Field data collection should be easier. And it is. Just follow these easy steps.

You need,

One platform that lets you add users.

The ability to create and deploy field data capture forms using the fields you want, in the order you want.

View all your field data in an analytics ready format.

Our customers realised that Bsharp’s platform let you audit stores easily. Want to learn how? Reach out to us.